Cum sa ne imbunatatim memoria - Terapie Cum sa ne imbunatatim memoria - Terapie

How to improve our memory

There are a lot of questions that each of us asks about memory. Why do we remember some things while forgetting others? Is there really any way we can improve our memory? How can we become more efficient in learning or performing tasks in business, at work and in everyday life? Is it true that memory deteriorates over the years? Well, these are just some of the questions about memory. We would all like a sharper memory, a memory that will help us in our personal and professional life. In order to answer these questions in the affirmative, it is necessary to take care of that personal aspect that I have called "beyond attention".

What is the meaning of the concept of "beyond attention"?

The term "beyond attention" comes from the concept of "mindfulness", this concept being increasingly used in recent years around the world. This refers to the ability to direct attention to self-awareness by recognizing how you think or feel at all times. The moment we manage to go beyond attention, then we have the ability to redirect the calm, organized and perceptive state in order to reason and achieve success in any of the areas of life. This is done after acquiring the state of calm, a state obtained from attention following a productive process through which knowledge is accumulated and which contributes to the stimulation of memory.

The learning process in 5 steps

It is collectively demonstrated that any aspect of our brain power, such as thinking, learning and intelligence, can be improved through mental training. This training must be intense, precisely directed and deliberately performed. In other words, deep success and hard work are needed to achieve success in life. To "start" the brain you can use the technique of the learning process in 5 steps®. With the help of this technique you will be able to capitalize in an incredible way on the mental power and this in a type of organized unity.

The 5 steps of this technique cover the following aspects:

1. Introductory part: read, listen and watch

2. Reflection stage: ask, answer and discuss

3. The stage in which we write: Metacog ™ is created

4. Check again: the accuracy is checked

5. Output: reteach

The order of the 5 steps is based on the intersection of several fields such as memory research, quantum biology, neuroscience, language and communication, cognitive neuropsychology, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, quantum physics, neuropsychology, intelligence research, but also on numerous clinical practices and research. personal. All of these play a key role in building a lasting, strong memory that is at the heart of the learning process.